How to Cure Early Discharge of Semen?

Early discharge of semen is one of the frequent sexual disorders in men, characterized by sudden leakage of semen. This uncontrolled discharge of semen, also known as early fall or quick orgasm, may be caused by both physical and psychological causes. Intake of certain drugs, neurogenic causes, hormonal disorders and urogenital infections are some of the main causes for the occurrence of early discharge of semen. You can easily identify the disorder by undergoing biochemistry test, male hormone profile test and penile nerve conduction tests. If not cured, quick discharge of semen may negatively impact your marital life. In this article, we are going to discuss in detail how to cure early discharge of semen?

Topical therapy is one of the best cures suggested for early discharge of semen. Lack of side effect is the main benefit in trying this type of treatment. Applying creams to male organ helps in increasing the sensitivity of penis to sexual excitation. It is found to be an effective cure for curing early discharge of semen and helps in increasing sexual stamina of person. Practicing kegel exercise is another cure for quick discharge of semen. Regular doing of kegel exercises, prevents the risk of erectile dysfunction, stop premature ejaculation and supports fine erections. It is an important technique recommended to regain bladder control and preventing urinary incontinence.

If you feel in your life any sexual weakness or physical weakness, don't panic and don't worry, about we are always with you. Freely talk to Dr. Hashmi, and get your problem solution confidienciealy.

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