Effects of Erectile Dysfunction On Men’s Health. Hashmi Dawakhana Amroha

When a man’s penis cannot be hard enough to enter the vagina, perhaps not enough blood or no blood is pumped into the muscles of the penis to maintain an erection. In other words, it is called impotence because these men will not have the capacity to conceive women. The number one problem with erectile dysfunction is unsatisfactory sex life; others include low self-esteem, embarrassment of sexual partners, depression, and anxiety. Erectile dysfunction is caused by one or the combination of the mentioned medical problems such as, smoking, abuse of drugs, alcoholism, neurological diseases and cardiovascular diseases. In this article, we are going to draw a conclusion on the prevalence of erectile dysfunction, its symptoms, causes, risk factors and natural remedies. Prevalence: According to a research study, out of 100 men between 7 to 52 men of all ages are affected by erectile dysfunction. Though it depends on the group that is studied for research purpose because age is the...