Low Libido – Causes and Treatment

Sexual activity or romance between partners is the purest form of expression of love. When there is a disruption in this area, a couple’s life usually goes haywire and they tend to complain and indulge, resulting in separation. He later destroys the lives of both couples and turns their problems into sexual problems. Sex promotes strong trust and mutual dependence between partners. Find solutions for low libido along with the reasons in this section. Causes of low libido – Let us see Role of unhappy or bad relationship – Symbols of an unhealthy relationship can be when you start to isolate yourself after a fight and even with your partner you don’t think you belong. Now there is no discussion on any subject. They avoid each other’s company and are busy with friends or other family members or associates. There is a lot of emotional pain, withdrawal, frustration, negativity, and broken communication in a relationship. Role of anxiety and sadness – Anxiety can come from a number of ...